I’m a problem solver, and the world’s food system is a problem.

Business building for a sustainable future.

My mission is to help create a future worth building: one that has people, planet and profit in harmony, connecting values, foresight, technology and innovation. This golden thread runs through my various roles and projects across the world in agritech and food systems, online and physical retail, ed-tech, banking and litigation.

I want to help businesses address the challenges facing our food system - the intricate web of suppliers and services that support the journey from farm to fork. I thrive working at the ‘edge’ - the space where imagination, expertise and possibility live - to bring ideas to reality with great people around me, while also being highly detailed and operationally astute.

Skills I can bring to a role or project

  • Foresight

    I’m fuelled by curiosity - a keen observer of trends and challenges shifting and shaping our world. More importantly, I can connect these big-picture insights to the here-and-now: using them as a springboard for new products and services, to develop new markets, or to reconfigure an existing business approach for future needs. I’m a practical dreamer, able to see and convey the vision and the steps needed to bring it to life. Who are our customers? What ‘need’ are we meeting for them? How and when should we grow? What’s holding us back? How do we align our team and stakeholders with our goals? These are the kind of questions I love to ask, answer and act upon. Faced with complex issues and environments, I’m good at helping organisations cut through the ‘noise’ and focus on what’s important to reach a goal.

  • Business building

    Taking a new concept or an existing one - especially one related to food systems- and growing it into a sustainable business that has a positive impact and is financially viable is my favourite kind of puzzle. By giving people better choices, I see business as a powerful lever for change. But for it to be real and lasting, it needs to go beyond the qualities of the products or services offered. The whole business needs to be sustainable - with the right structure, culture, people and tech in place - and constantly adapting. This is my happy place - making the business engine hum in tune with its purpose.

  • Partnerships, networks & collaborations

    Relationship-building is at the heart of my business practice. Often we try to do everything or feel we need to know everything but that’s a slow and cumbersome approach. Tapping into a wider knowledge pool or ecosystem can power an incredible step-change. Partnerships, connections and collaborations can help you secure expertise, build credibility, access funding or markets, and scale your impact. They can also open up unexpected opportunities and enhance your resilience.

  • Governance

    My governance track record extends from not-for-profit organisations (NZTech; AgriTech NZ) to an NZX-listed company (My Food Bag). I’m not your usual C-Suite graduate - and that’s what makes my perspective valuable. As well as the benefit of my early legal career, I bring a strong customer lens, foresight, and entrepreneurial attitude to board problem-solving and strategies. I understand the board/management dynamic, the structures needed to support good governance, and how governance needs to evolve with an organisation. Whether advising a board from an executive role or acting as a board member, my experience supports leadership that is both visionary, practical and commercially savvy.

  • “Sarah is the person to go to if you need your problems solved. She steps up to a challenge and is happy to roll up her sleeves and get things moving.”

    Frances Valintine CNZM, Founder & CEO @ AcademyEX

  • “Sarah is an authentic and visionary leader who is both conscious and purposeful in her approach to leading teams and driving results. She has style and grace in the way she approaches epic problems, ensuring she is inclusive, empowering and focussed on driving outcomes.”

    Sarah Pirie-Nally, CEO and Founder @ Wonderlab, CDO @ Insider Expeditions

  • “Sarah is a ‘creator’ and a ‘doer’ who wants to affect change in business, as well as in social and environmental arenas. She naturally stretches herself to take on big tasks.”

    Claire Cockerton, MD @ Cockerton & Co. Innovation Advisory Services

  • “Sarah gets the best out of her teams by empowering them to do the work, asking thought provoking questions that push ideas and projects further.”

    Megan Rorich, Senior Innovation Specialist @ CreativeHQ

  • "In a modern-day environment that is becoming more and more frenetic and complex, and less and less human-centric, Sarah has a unique ability to always relate to others in a very authentic and human way."

    Brett Oetgen, Co-Founder & Director, The Institute for Social Sustainability

  • "Sarah's calm and balanced approach enabled AgriTech NZ to become the voice of the sector."

    Peter-Wren Hilton, Founder & CEO, Wharf42

  • “Creating impact is for Sarah an essential element to her job. She does this through her approach to leadership, the way she supports people in an organisation and through example. Key outcomes are staff who feel valued and who are acknowledged for their contributions.”

    Craig Hilton, National Academic Director @ AcademyEX

Who I’ve worked with